How To Practice Self Care This Period Via Your Dressing

What immediately comes to your mind when you think of self care?

Is it treating yourself with your favourite meal or visiting your favourite spa for a massage?…

While all of these are actually a means to practicing self care, we are going to be educating ourselves on more healthier ways to practicing self care via our dressing owing to the peculiarity of the period we are in.

Self Care Tip 1

Be mindful and deliberate about what you choose to wear every single day.

This is certainly not the season for frivolities, as social distancing against the spread of covid 19 has prevented lots of events and outings. Yet, our consciousness on what to wear daily should be deliberate and mindful enough to ensure our comfort, protection and wellness.

Self Care Tip 2

Ensure your choice of dressing keeps others in mind.

As we know that the nature and spread of this virus doesn’t lie on our self care alone but in others also; therefore, finding an healthy balance is one of the best strategies, which involves wearing clothings with long sleeves and avoiding long and flowing outfits whose sleeves can easily touch contaminated places.

Self Care Tip 3

Ignite your mental health always.

We all know that there is a connection that comes to play between our choice of clothing and our mental wellness. So, it’s important that regardless of the isolation phase we are currently into as a nation, our self care via our dressing should always top the list so that the mental health required for productivity even within the four walls of our homes is not tampered with.

Therefore, the intentional practice of the following self care tips, would not only expose us to the new possibilities of what we can make out of our wardrobe staples, but would also ensure that we and everyone around us are protected and freed from the spread of the COVID-19 virus pandemic.

For the list of fashion staples that can keep you safe in this period, kindly read up on our last post.

Stay safe!

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