Practical Ways of Coping with Physical Flaws

Overcoming a physical flaw or defect can sometimes be a huge challenge; as many times, our urge for self-improvement and acceptance often turn a little mean and destructive on our self-worth if care isn’t taken.

However, one thing we hardly take time to notice is that there are two sides to physical flaws; which are:

  • The Dealing Side
  • The Coping Side

And since there is nothing more powerful than a person being intentional in making his/her disadvantages or flaws into their strengths, we then spoke to different people who were willing to share with us their practical strategies that work…

“I believe beauty is more than what meets the eyes and more of what the soul reflects. So should our physical flaws be a basic reminder that we are humans and still in this body.”


“Seek help if you think you need to. Flaws like Face burns, Acne, Break-outs can be reduced by some healthy practices like minimal touch-ups, cosmetic surgery and so on. Above all, I’d say learn to be comfortable in your own skin and always step out with confidence.”

Dr. Tomisin

“For physical flaws that can’t be removed, be proud of it and start getting comfortable with yourself without being intimidated.😁”


“We’re all fearfully and wonderfully made… Let this definition be inside out!😘”


“Bringing your dress sense to life can be a way to boost your confidence away from your physical flaws”


“Always comport yourself in a way that is consistent with who you are, and your flaws won’t find expression.”


“I’d be lying to you if I say your look doesn’t matter because it does. We live in a world where our look sometimes equals the extent of opportunities available to us. So, the search for the affordable and harmless option of improving the way we look is key.”


“Abstinence from cosmetics for a period of time is the best for most physical flaws related to acne and skin burns, but for scar-related flaws, correction concealers can be used.”


“I was always mocked for my height and nose, and since there was no way I could adjust them, I decided to shift my focus from it till I discovered that my nose was the reason 80% of eyeglasses fit and seat comfortably on the face. So like me, everyone needs a mixture of mental acceptance and comfort to see their flaws as a blessing.”


“No one has it perfect; So, the basic foundation of coping with our flaws is having a conscious reminder that we all are unique.😀😀”


“Flaws only exist in the mind and if you can deal with it in your mind, then you can actually slay with it…So, just like the floor, Step on your flaws.👌”


Finally, I will say “Don’t hide the evidence of your flaw. Learn to face it, look for solutions, and put them into action.

You are special!


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