The Return of Beret and How to Style it

When choosing accessories, “beret” is one unique accessory that can be styled in very different ways. In the past, women only wore beret when they are all dressed up for church, or on a super-serious suit. But today, those rules don’t apply anymore; as its return comes with such versatility that gives it a class of its own.

However, the key to owning the beret look is when it is styled properly.

Below are a few tips that could guide:

Tip 1

Proper Positioning.

This is the first step to wearing a beret well. Understanding exactly how to position your beret on your head gives you a platform for a correct fit with your face or cloth. They are best positioned when worn off to one side with the front pulled down to the eyebrow.

Tip 2

Proper Balance.

The tricky thing about the return of beret these days is that the bigger the volume, the cuter it looks. So, in order to achieve this look, a beret that creates volume for your hair should be considered over the small and tight ones. And to create this balance, you could try on a hairstyle with more volume, or better still roll in a silk scarf towards the front of the beret, then blend it with your hands and pin it with your hair.

Tip 3

Proper Outfit.

To achieve a pulled together and casual look when on a beret, you can match it with your favorite jeans, turtle neck top, fun sneakers, and a dark-colored coat or jacket. And perhaps, you want to switch the sneakers with heels, ensure that your outfit also switches into a more feminine look to aid the beret concept.

Tip 4

Proper Colour Pop.

Going bold with the color of your beret will always leave you looking timeless; as wearing a brightly colored beret adds just the right amount of pop to any outfit. Just ensure that you pair a bright-colored one with your neutral tones outfits.

Tip 5

Proper Bedazzling.

Bedazzling is that interesting vibe berets lovers have introduced to spice up the seemingly simple berets we have out there. And Perhaps, you want to give it a try, ensure your pearling or appliques flowers are embellished towards the side that faces your eyebrow.

So…Don’t ignore that it’s simple to learn how to wear a beret in the right way with a touch of style and class and “not like the regular school student or pastry chef”; taking your style to a whole new level.

Stay Adorable.

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