Fashion Tips You Probably Don’t Know

When it comes to fashion, there is a kind of struggle almost everyone have; though higher in some than the others, things really don’t need to be that complicated if we expose ourselves to some tips like these; which are unique, helpful and different from the usual.

#Tip 1

For the times you don’t have the opportunity to try on a jeans, pant or skirt in a store, always opt for the “Neck Method”, which is a method that allows you determine your size by placing the waistline of the jeans around the diameter of your neck. Such that if the waistline comfortably meets at back of your neck, then the jeans will fit.

#Tip 2

When you want to have your waist snatched in an outfit you are planning to wear for an event, then you have to implore the trick of dropping any sort of bloating five days before the event via staying away from dairy foods and whole grains, such as milk and wheat because they do a number on the digestive system when consumed.

#Tip 3

Never put a garment on immediately after ironing, as this can actually cause new wrinkles to form. Instead, it’s advisable to let it sit for about five minutes to set the press so it can look neat on you.

#Tip 4

When you considering shopping for a wedding dress or any big event’s outfit, always learn to head to the store  with makeup on, proper undergarments, and your hair semi-done, so as to get a better sense of the fit of the dress and how you will look on that day.

#Tip 5

Whenever your everyday bra isn’t replaced within three to six months, they start to lose elasticity and support, thus affecting the outlook of your cloth.

#Tip 6

To say no to makeup and deodorant stains on your dress,  always rub stains with baby wipes or oil base such as kerosene.
Its no doubt that exposure to these clever and uncommon fashion tips can make your choice a lot easier and you would always look your best in any occasion.

Stay cute!

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